Streetman Games focuses on creating games that hearken back to simpler times. Simpler times to me means back in the early 80's when I played video games for hours on an Odyssey 2 video game system and started to learn to code in BASIC on a Timex Sinclair 1000 connected to a 13" black-and-white TV. Then I moved on from there to a Commodore VIC-20 and progressed to a C64 and learned assembly language and machine internals on the way. That all led to an education and career in engineering.
It's been a while since I've had to do any serious coding, so I'm hoping to expand on game programming as I learn, grow, and time allows. I've been supporting various asset and tool providers as I've been learning, lots of great folks out there in the community.
First to be released is true to my moniker of "Simple games for good, simple fun": UFO Battle. This is reminiscent of a game that I spent countless hours playing as a youth.